Apply for accommodations as early as possible.
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Welcome to the Access Center

We serve students with temporary, chronic, or permanent disabilities, including physical, health, learning, sensory, or psychological conditions. We provide accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services that remove barriers impacting students' equitable access to their education, programs, activities, and campus facilities.

We offer student and faculty consultation, training, workshops, and self-advocacy skills to foster student learning and engagement in all opportunities available at WSU.

Disabled Student Center

Our center is a resource for disabled students and allies. We connect students with community resources, raise awareness, and advocate for disabled students’ human and civil rights.

Contact Us

509-335-3417 Fax (509-335-8511)


Washington Building, 2nd Floor (217) North Entrance

Office Hours
Monday -Friday | 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

North Entrance of Washington Building

North Entrance of Washington Building

Upcoming Events

Events supported by student fees.